Experience the Festive Scene in Gulfport, Mississippi

Gulfport, Mississippi is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage that offers something for everyone to enjoy. From the Gulfport Music Festival to the Picayune Street Festival, there are plenty of events to explore. Let's take a closer look at some of the popular festivals in this vibrant city.

Gulfport Music Festival

The Gulfport Music Festival is an annual event that celebrates music and culture from around the world.

It's a family-friendly event that features a unique mix of genres, including American music, jazz, blues, folk, country, bluegrass and rock. The festival is held in the beautiful city of Gulfport and is a great way to experience the city's culture and history.

Picayune Street Festival

The Picayune Street Festival is held twice a year and offers first-class entertainment, collectibles and activities. It's a great way to experience the southern charm of historic downtown Picayune. If you're looking for something smaller that doesn't have much advertising, contact the organizers and let them know.

Jazz in the Pass Music Festival

The annual Jazz in the Pass music festival offers visitors the chance to enjoy sensational live music and learn more about the delicious Christian music of downtown Pass.

It's a great way to experience the city's culture and history while enjoying some amazing live music.

4-H Mecca Carnival

Clans from Mississippi gather in Mecca on 4-H to enjoy thrilling rides, challenging games and festive food at an old-fashioned American carnival. It's a great way to experience the city's culture and history while having some fun.

Bay St. Louis 4th of July Weekend Festival

Every year, hundreds of volunteers prepare for the thousands of festival-goers on the 4th of July weekend at Bay St. Louis.

It's a great way to experience the city's culture and history while celebrating America's independence.


FestivalNexus is an online hub that connects festival fans, event organizers, promoters, vendors and artists from anywhere in the world. It's a great way to find out about upcoming festivals and events in Gulfport and beyond.

Attractions Nearby

If you're looking for something to do before or after the festival, there are plenty of attractions nearby on foot.

You can explore beaches along the coast or simply relax while enjoying stunning sunset views.


Gulfport is home to some amazing festivals that celebrate music, culture and history. From family-friendly events to thrilling carnivals, there's something for everyone to enjoy. So if you're looking for something fun to do in Gulfport, be sure to check out one of these popular festivals.